Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Which is more urgent, economy or environment?

The question I posted is ,basically, asking about the priority between the economy and the environment for the Chinese government.

I think the Chinese government is facing a dilemma right now. There is no doubt that solving the basic problems of food and clothing for 1.3 billion Chinese people should be the first objective of the Chinese government. This objective has almost been done recent years even though it may not be nationwide. Nowadays, I think our government is tring to generate more wealth for both the country and her people. However , this process is being done in the cost of the environment. We may say every generation is doing things in order to benefit both themselves and their descendants. However, I wonder how far do they concern about the next generation. I think people always leave the environmental subjects out of consideration ,especially when the subject is on behalf of their far far generation. It should be obvious it is our descendants who will suffer if we over use our fragile natural resources no matter how much wealth we have given them. So we must be considerate while developing.

As the question says, we are having aging problems. That means we could have not enough working force when we have less youth. However , what I want to stress is that working force can be improved if we could train more high-quality people. In this competitive world, we need efficiency more than quantity. Thus, I don't think change our "one-child"policy is the ideal means to solve the aging problem. That how to provide good education, proving a productive working team would be more practical in my opinion.
In all, to deal with this problem of environment and people, we need to paint a picture with two brushes. That means we need to re-construct our nature while train more talents instead of just chaging policies.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you, Tim, for this very serious discussion! It is insightful.

There are still some areas where your language use interferes with communication: That how to provide good education, proving a productive working team would be more practical in my opinion.

I don't understand this.

脏脏/ellenpei said...

in my opinion ,the serious pro in China is the large population, so i support " one child " policy

Syeda said...

Yeah...I support such policies(one-child) too,not only for population control but also other very important factors.The world now is too competitive...your wife is going to work as well..right?So do u realize how much pressure would that be if she gets to take care of, say four babies, along with her own job???No man can be a mother...u see...(this is just an example;))

Su Mon said...

Yes , i support what is syeda said .
One-child policy is really good no matter from which point of views .But it can be turning to bad side if over doing this policy.

Brad Blackstone said...

This is a very good discussion, Tim. I especially like the insight that you offer about the concern that one generation might have for the future of subsequent generations. Thanks to you for inspiring feedback from your group members!

Related to your topic of the one-child policy is a recent theory put forth by an American economist. He argues, quite convincingly, that the crime rate in America went down when the effects of legal abortion became apparent. He states that in America when women who could not afford to raise children finally had easy access to abortion, then the society as a whole benefitted.

I would like to know more about the effects of the one-child policy on Chinese society.

Pascal Gekko said...

I think "one-child" policy is quite effective as long as this generation's quality is really good. As Su Mon said, I think over doing this policy will not be good anymore. In the future when population in China has dramatically decreased because of this policy, life in China will not be as competitive as it is now and I think it will be hard to create high quality generation.

That's my opinion though.^^

Flystehu said...

I think the main problem for China is the large population. With large population, China has a burden to achieve greatness and pride good education environment. One Child first and then discuss it later~~