Sunday, January 27, 2008

Environmental problems China is facing.

We have read lots of articles about environmental problems that our people are having. I just come out with a question.

China has seen rapid economic growth since the start of the reform era in 1979.In fact,China is the only country in the world which may feature all of the world's ecosystems. However,unfortunately, every one of these ecosystems is suffering. The economy has grown, but the environment has suffered. At the same time, China is also having aging problem on the other hand. The government is planning to change her 'one-child' policy to 'two-child'. As the largest nation in population, we have over used our land,causing the destruction of forest and ecosystem.

So the question is "should the Chinese government still commence to change its population policy in order to deal with the potential aging problem or we should still restrict our population so that we could have more space to re-construct our forest and ecosystem?"


Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for the detailed background and the question! Check the question's grammar though.

Brad Blackstone said...

This still needs changed!