Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Which is more urgent, economy or environment?

The question I posted is ,basically, asking about the priority between the economy and the environment for the Chinese government.

I think the Chinese government is facing a dilemma right now. There is no doubt that solving the basic problems of food and clothing for 1.3 billion Chinese people should be the first objective of the Chinese government. This objective has almost been done recent years even though it may not be nationwide. Nowadays, I think our government is tring to generate more wealth for both the country and her people. However , this process is being done in the cost of the environment. We may say every generation is doing things in order to benefit both themselves and their descendants. However, I wonder how far do they concern about the next generation. I think people always leave the environmental subjects out of consideration ,especially when the subject is on behalf of their far far generation. It should be obvious it is our descendants who will suffer if we over use our fragile natural resources no matter how much wealth we have given them. So we must be considerate while developing.

As the question says, we are having aging problems. That means we could have not enough working force when we have less youth. However , what I want to stress is that working force can be improved if we could train more high-quality people. In this competitive world, we need efficiency more than quantity. Thus, I don't think change our "one-child"policy is the ideal means to solve the aging problem. That how to provide good education, proving a productive working team would be more practical in my opinion.
In all, to deal with this problem of environment and people, we need to paint a picture with two brushes. That means we need to re-construct our nature while train more talents instead of just chaging policies.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Environmental problems China is facing.

We have read lots of articles about environmental problems that our people are having. I just come out with a question.

China has seen rapid economic growth since the start of the reform era in 1979.In fact,China is the only country in the world which may feature all of the world's ecosystems. However,unfortunately, every one of these ecosystems is suffering. The economy has grown, but the environment has suffered. At the same time, China is also having aging problem on the other hand. The government is planning to change her 'one-child' policy to 'two-child'. As the largest nation in population, we have over used our land,causing the destruction of forest and ecosystem.

So the question is "should the Chinese government still commence to change its population policy in order to deal with the potential aging problem or we should still restrict our population so that we could have more space to re-construct our forest and ecosystem?"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The meaning of life!

Earth is the only planet on which life exists. There should not be questions to ask why there are human beings, animals or plants as we have just existed and have been on this planet for more than twenty thousand years. So have those other living things. Instead,there might be questions on the meaning of our lives.

"The meaning of life" is no longer a new question but it still draws different answers from different people.I wonder ,since ' the big bang' created the universe,the Sun ,the Earth and everything , shouldn't we just take our life for granted?

We are the most intellectual and special species on this planet. We possess a few capabilities which don't belong to any other species. Thank the Gob for giving us all these abilities which make us so intelligent, creative ,powerful and even emotional.What we are having today are all due to these capabilities and thus we have the chance to ask about or talk about the meaning of life.

Morally, I think we should thank our parents for giving us life ,letting us see such a fabulous world. However, in term of science, it is undeniable that our births are nothing but the natural law which we have to obey in order to live. In certain sense, I do think reproduction is the primary meaning of our lives--living for existence.

As we grow up, we will learn how to use our special capabilities in our life. We keep learning, researching and creating. Meanwhile, we also make friends around us and start to build up all kinds of relationships with prople. At this stage, we have been actually not only living for existence. Have we wondered why there are nations, societies, occupations and so on; why we play sport games and go to theatre,cinema and concert? Why is life becoming more and more complicated and wonderful ?Why do we need to have such lives which are full of happiness and sadness?

I think this is due to our secondary meaning of life--living for better life.

Can this secondary meaning of life explain why there are inventions, leagues and wars? Why we want to earn as more money as we can? Isn't it because we want to live a better life? Nevertheless, neither the primary meaning of life nor the secondary meaning of life are unique to different people. In my oponion, the unique meaning of life will only appear in the company of emotions.We all loves our life and never want to lose it. But why those heros we read or heard could sacrifice their life in the battle field without the slightest hesitation? Didn't they treasure their life? I guess the only reason was that they were only dominated by emotion at that moment rather than sense.

That's just it--the meaning of life is what you could do for others. As an ordinary people, my meaning of life is to light up others' life. I don't care whether I've brought them happiness or disasters,or whether they like me. I mean I do make their lives more wonderful and meaningful even though I played a bad role sometimes. Most importantly, I am a part of their life. But my life will be more meaningful if I could play a positive charecter in this stage of life. I appreciate every minute i spent with my families and friends. People also appreciate me when I do them favours. Every smiling face and short instant of happy and satisfaction from others impress me very much. I just could be satisfied from these trivial things. I will be thinking my life is just meaningful when i see my parents smiling at me happily ,my lover smiling at me sweetly and my friends smiling at me enjoyably.

That "living for happiness" is my ultimate and real meaning of life. So do you?